Still prepping. We hope to leave this week :)

There are worse things than being stuck in beautiful northern California.  Especially when you are surrounded by so many friends who are happy to have some extra time with you!  So, we are trying to have a positive attitude and not get too stressed out about our delayed departure.

I, Chris, have been working on further preparing our motorcycles for 18 months of hard use.  In addition to some preparations I was planning to do I had the good fortune to get advice and wisdom from two motorcyclists who know a whole lot more than I do, John and Tom.  Their assistance and guidance has been invaluable in planning for the road ahead and I am so grateful for how much they have helped me in the past weeks.  I, quite literally, could not have done it without them!  And when I say ‘helped me’, what I really mean is them letting me try to ‘help them’ as they wrench on our motorcycles.  Thank you John and Tom you are an amazing blessing (and so are your wives for putting up for all the time you have been absent in the garage)!  I am sorry there are no pictures, but we have been so busy working on the bikes we never take any pictures (except of parts we are taking out, so we know how to put them back in :).

Sharon has been busy organizing and packing.  She finished up the last of the boxes we are shipping to Honduras a few days ago.  She has now moved on full steam to figuring out how to pack everything we might need for the next 18 months in our limited motorcycle storage space.  Fortunately, one of her talents is the ability to pack an amazing amount of stuff in a small amount of space.  I call it 3D Tetris – and she is the master of it!  Additionally, she is updating her proprietary labeling system so that once we start the trip we will be able to find things without having to unpack every single bag.  Please don’t ask why she had to invent the labeling system in the first place.

We are also super blessed by our friends Dan and Melissa and how accommodating they have been with our ever-changing leave date.

So things left to do before we leave California behind on our behinds:

  • Sell our car and computer
  • Ship boxes to Honduras (via New Orleans)
  • Motorcycle parts to arrive so they can be installed
  • Enjoy our remaining time with friends

Prayers are appreciated for any and all of the above.

Stuck in Neutral Gear,

Chris & Sharon