1st Post!

Hi all!

Our site still has a long way to go, or at least as long as my limited skills will take it, but thanks for coming for a peek all the same!

So the question we get asked the most (well except for, “Are you crazy?”) is when we are leaving.  The plan is to leave on May 12th or a few days after.  The reasoning behind the date is that we are planning to go Alaska, on motorcycles, and therefore would like to be as warm as possible!  Which will still not be all that toasty.  Right now, we are in the midst of semi-frantic trip preparation.  I am sure we will reach full blown frantic as the weeks pass by :)!

For those of you who aren’t aware of our plans following this 18 month trip here is the abbreviated version.  End our motorcycle trip in Brazil then fly back to the US to visit family and friends in Florida and maybe other locations in the US (finances permitting).  Next, move back to Honduras to serve the rural poor as missionaries again.  We have been generously invited to live with our friends Jason and Sarah Furrow on the property of their orphanage where Sharon is planning to open a clinic and I will find plenty of teaching opportunities.

That’s all for now.  Need to get back to trying to learn how to set up a blog.

Chris (and Sharon)

4 thoughts on “1st Post!”

  1. Stephen Weller

    My very best wishes to The Strunas, embarking upon the trip of a lifetime!
    We will watch your progress through North and South America with great interest.
    Keep us posted, including your work in Honduras
    Stephen Weller, MD

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