Unfortunate Update

Well, the good news…this update will be much shorter than usual.
Sharon and I are doing fine, unfortunately, the same cannot be said about my (Chris’s) motorcycle.  We were driving south from Trujillo (in Peru) when my bike suddenly felt different.  We immediately pulled over to see if it was any of the usual suspects.  All seemed well, until, I checked the oil level – much lower than normal.  At that point we decided to have the bike picked up and taken back to Trujillo to assess the damage.  Unfortunately, after taking the motor apart they found heat damage to several internal parts.  Finding parts in Peru for our motorcycles is not a simple matter.  After looking everywhere for over a week we were finally able to connect with a man in Quito, Ecuador who has the necessary parts and will ship them to us.  If everything goes as planned we should get them in 2 days and be back on the road 4 days later.
Anyway, we are holed up in a nice hostel in the town of Huanchaco.  We have a view of the beach from our balcony (when it’s not fogged in).  It is about 25 minutes from Trujillo.  We hope this update finds you well.  We’ll let you know when we get back on the road again.  Prayers, as always, are appreciated.
Chris & Sharon
p.s. – I’ve included some photos of the disassembled motor, as well as, some photos of our 8 day Huayhuash Trek (the bad, the good, and the ugly…hopefully that is the sheep and not me 🙂

8 thoughts on “Unfortunate Update”

  1. Oh no! So sorry to hear of your mechanical woes. Scenery is awesome. Praying for our Lord to mightily use you in your current setting.

    1. Thanks Susan! We are doing well all things considered and are grateful for all the help we are getting from locals.

  2. Andrea Beswetherick

    Wow, you scared me! Glad it’s mechanical and not human, and that it can be fixed.

    1. So sorry we scared you with our update title! However, it is great to hear from you! Please give me love to everyone at Radiation / Oncology. Even though we are having an incredible trip I really do miss you all! Love, Sharon

  3. Robert Tankersley

    The two of you are so awesome. This too shall pass. Enjoy the journey and God bless you both!

    1. Hearing from you made my day Mr. Tankersley and also made me cry (in a good way). I miss you and our short times we got to spend together. I would love to hear how you are doing (e-mail me at: thestrunas@gmail.com ). Thank you for continuing to be a part of my life, it means SO much to me!

  4. Hannah Crocker

    Oh Chris and Sharon!
    So sorry about this!
    HOWEVER, we bet this setback for you, the 2 most adventuresome people we know, is something you are growing to regard as a new adventure!
    Loving you through it all,
    Doug and hannah

    1. Oh Hannah & Doug! Gee, I miss you and your positive outlook. We know we will get through this and are taking advantage of our forced rest stop to plan the next stages of our trip. My headaches have continued to improve, though the last 2 weeks or so have not been as good. Thank you for your prayers – they mean so much to us! Please give my love to everyone at the cancer center – including my patients. We look forward to seeing you again when we pass through California next year.
      Sharon & Chris

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