Safe and Sound in Argentina Quarantine

We are doing well.  At this point, there is no possibility of us getting out of Argentina (the towns and roads are closed to travel).
We are under quarantine (no leaving the room) until March 31st in Gobernador Gregores (red pin on the map below).  It is a small town in the middle of nowhere in southern Patagonia.  There are no cases of virus here and the size and location of the town are pretty ideal ‘pandemic-wise’.  There is a long story of how we came to be in our small apartment (500 sq ft), but that can wait for another time.
The owners have been super kind and sympathetic to our plight.  It is also a real miracle we are here at all since every other accommodation in the whole town has been closed.  We get a daily visit from local healthcare workers (Javier and Maria) who check our temperature and oxygen levels .  Results are good!
We hope you are doing well in body, mind and especially spirit!  We know that the God we believe in would want us to do all we can for those around us and continue to pray for those far off.  May you find strength and peace to meet the challenges each day brings.
God bless,
Chris & Sharon
p.s. – Yes, Sharon’s hair is red now, it’s unrelated to any virus (it’s just for fun 🙂

18 thoughts on “Safe and Sound in Argentina Quarantine”

  1. Cynthia Tuscano

    so happy to get the update!! Will you go straight to Catalina’s after this?
    call me when you can!!
    love ya

  2. Lita Ann Fucella

    Such beauty all around.. And your Mom. How special it is to see your Mom again. I was smiling from ear to ear and my heart ached from missing her so much. Tell her I’m going to be in Oregon this summer and would love to stop and see her. Give her my number and ask her to call me.
    Now, getting back to you two… Wow, and Wow!! I so love living vicariously through you every time I read your posts. Blessings, joy and BIG L💗VE being sent your way. Stay healthy and safe… And keep those teeth pearly white 😁

    1. So great to hear from you Lita! We are so glad you are along for the ride with us. Thanks for all the encouraging words, we love hearing from all the people we aren’t able to see in person.
      Sharon’s mom just flew back to the US yesterday from Uganda. She is currently in self-quarantine, but hopefully by summertime we will all be out and about again! We will pass on your information to her and tell her your travel plans, we know she would LOVE to see you. She lives in Bend, Oregon.
      We are doing our best to take care of our teeth (don’t ask when our last cleaning was…probably Colombia). Maybe when we see you next you can help us in this department 🙂
      Please stay safe and give our greetings to Josh, Jill and Dr. Yates when you see them. We miss your smiling face too! Love, Chris & Sharon

  3. Spoke to Nancy yesterday so I had heard about the location of your quarantine. I know you will be blessed and bring blessings to those around you during this time of world crisis. Love and (virus free) hugs coming your way.

    1. Thank you Susie! We are doing our best to follow the local government’s guidelines and keep everybody as safe as possible. We hope and pray that you and your family stay safe and well during this time. God Bless! Chris & Sharon

  4. Steve Barber

    It sounds like you are in as good a situation as you could hope for. It’s pretty crazy here in Cali. Things were changing daily with directions on what we were supposed to do and us figuring out the unstated ramifications of it. But things have quieted down since the stay in your home orders went out.

    One good thing is I see lots of families going for walks. We are allowed to walk and exercise outdoors.

    Here is a link you will find interesting if you haven’t already found it. It updates every 15 minutes and has other interesting links. and

    Stay healthy,

    Steve Barber

    1. Hey Steve!

      Great to hear from you!

      We are still doing well here in Argentina. Thank you for the links; we have been keeping an eye on the global and US situation.

      Glad to hear that some people are taking advantage of a less than great situation to get some exercise and quality time with their families. Hopefully, it helps us appreciate our loved ones even more.

      Stay safe and give our love to the CLC family (when you are allowed to see them:),
      Chris & Sharon

  5. I love your hair red Sharon! How long will you be in quarantine? Did i read 1 month? And your mom too? She is very cute!

    Someday i want to go to those falls. Aguazul ? Don’t know how to spell it. Niagara Falls are definitely worth it. But i love those In SA.

    Glad you have people checking up on you. What are you eating? Where are you eating? Can you go for a walk? Can you go out on a bike ride?
    Your guaranties buddies june and steve

    1. Thank you so much June! It is always great to hear from you and know that you are following our adventures so closely!

      Our quarantine is slated to last until March 31st, unless things change. Sharon’s mom isn’t here with us, she left South America in December of 2019 (our updates are behind schedule as always:). We’ll pass along your generous compliments.

      You should definitely check out Iguazu Falls if you ever get the chance, they are indescribable and even the pictures don’t do them justice.

      For food we are eating pretty normal stuff right now: Pancakes for breakfast, Tuna and crackers for lunch, and spaghetti for dinner. We are staying in small apartment that we are renting. We cannot go for walks, we can only leave to go the grocery store, buy food, and go directly home (1 person only). No bike rides either. Glad your quarantine is less strict, or so I hear.

      Take care,
      Chris & Sharon

    1. Life certainly is an adventure! And sometimes there are curves where you least expect it (like in the middle of the patagonian pampas! hahaha. Hope you and your family are well Tom! When is your next ride planned…I thought it was soon? I do miss bike prepping with you in your garage (haven’t had as good a setup in two years now:). Take care, Chris

  6. Hi, Good to hear from you! Is it cold there? We’re holed up a 10 minute walk from town overlooking Lake Molle (sp) outside Tafí Del Valle. It’s a huge AirBnB on about 2 acres. It’s relaxing to do nothing for a while. The people look at us like we are infested w Cvirus. I think it’s good AR has “shut down” as it may slow the spread of it.
    What do you do to pass the time? I’ve been tinkering with the motorcycle. Sanded rust acquired from the sandblasting done while riding on the coast of Peru and painted the sidestand black, removed rear fender to look for more storage area/ hiding places and writing a little. Some day we’ll need to go to Mendoza to p/u our suitcase we shipped by bus. It would be nice to meet up with you guys sometime. Take care,
    Love. Glenn and Diana

    1. Hey Glenn and Diana! Great to hear from you too!

      Today was the coldest temps so far about, 58F during the day. It gets cold at night, but our apartment has gas heaters so we are fine.

      To pass the time we are mostly working on organizing and editing our trip photos. Been WAY behind on that project for awhile. Also, preparing 3 meals from mostly scratch each day consumes a large chunk of time. I can’t work on the bikes right now as we were told we could only be outside if we were going to the grocery store for food (and only 1 person at a time for this). Hopefully, things will get less strict after March 31st.

      Our plan is to continue heading north to the lakes near Bariloche if travel is permitted. Maybe if you keep heading south our paths will cross?! Stranger things have happened 🙂

      Stay safe and stay sane!

      Your friends,
      Chris & Sharon

  7. Tanya Hanton

    So glad you are safe and receiving excellent healthcare. Guess what! I no longer have a PICC line and don’t have to have infusions! I’m healthy!! Now all I have to do is hide from the dreaded Corona. I will continue to pray for your safe quarantine and eventual journey. Love, Tanya

    1. As always, it is SO wonderful to hear from you! It brings me so much joy! I am so happy about your lack of PICC line, I am sure it has improved your quality of life so much. Please be careful and wise with regards to safety from this virus. Thank you for your prayers. We are also hoping that the journey will continue, but for now we feel very safe and blessed to be staying where we are. Love, Sharon

    1. Hey Emma! So glad to hear from you!
      Yeah, we kind of feel the same as far as being better off here than there. The both have their pros and cons, but since we are already here we’ll focus on the plus side!
      No worries about us enjoying our SUPER long holiday, you know we are! How are you doing? What are you doing (pre Cvirus)? Where are you doing it? Inquiring minds would like to know and you haven’t got anything better to do anyway 🙂
      Chris & Sharon

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