Quick Update and Some Videos

Dear Family & Friends,

Chris and I wanted to give you a brief update on our situation. We continue to be in southern Argentina, in the sweet little town of Gobernador Gregores. We have reached day 212 of our ‘quarantine’. Much to our delight, winter here is turning to spring. The days have gotten warmer and just in the last two weeks or so, wildflowers are popping up everywhere. There are also cherry blossom trees in bloom! These things have made our allotted one hour outside even more enjoyable. 

However, we know that our time here is coming to an end. The likelihood of the Chilean border opening up (which is what we have been praying for), is not looking good, so we are preparing ourselves for the reality of having to abandon our beloved motorcycles here in Argentina. Another complicating factor is the government’s restrictions on state to state travel, which we must do, in order to reach the Buenos Aires airport.

We continue to spend most of our time each day doing all that we can to prepare for our return to Honduras. The main project we have been working on are slideshow presentations. I have been focusing on information about Honduras; specifically the history, demographics and culture. Chris and I have observed that not much is generally known about Honduras and the little that it is mentioned in the media focuses primarily on the negative aspects. My motivation behind making these narrated slideshows is to share with the people we love a better understanding of Honduras (a place that we love). We hope you find these videos helpful, and we are sure they’ll give you further insight into our lives. The videos can be found below. The first video is 10 minutes long and the second video is 17 minutes.

Thank you for taking the time to read our updates and share our joy of returning to Honduras! We have cherished hearing from you and been encouraged by your words.


Sharon and Chris

And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?”

Then I said, “Here I am! Send me.” Isaiah 6:8


6 thoughts on “Quick Update and Some Videos”

  1. Tanya Hanton

    Finally heard something on the news about the virus situation in Argentina. Wow! Argentinians (and you guys) have really been impacted despite the strict guidelines. What a frustrating end to such a glorious trip. A pandemic is certainly something you can’t plan on. In the event you do eventually get to Honduras, I have some medical supplies that I no longer need that I would like to donate if that would be helpful from when I was on TPN. I would be happy to send them to you. Love and blessings, Tanya (former El Camino patient)

    1. So great to hear from you Tanya! I would love to hear more about your health (thestrunas@gmail.com). How are things where you are living in Portland?
      We are just as surprised and shocked at how bad the virus transmission is here in Argentina despite all the strict restrictions!!! Even though our trip did not end the way we wanted it to end we still feel super blessed for all the experiences we have had on our journey.
      I will let you know about the supplies when we get back to the United States.

  2. From Nina. Just watched both videos. Thank you. What an amazing country. I learned so much and really appreciate their culture and heritage. Thanks for explaining all the ethnic groups and languages and the demographics. From a “chocoholic”. Thank you Honduras for bringing chocolate to the world!

    1. Our pleasure Nina! Glad you enjoyed them and found them informative. The only thing we enjoy more than learning things is sharing that knowledge with our friends.

  3. Phyllis M Buchholz

    Believe it or not, I just got around to watching these two information-crammed presentations. I must say that I love patriots, regardless of the country they are from. I am going to save these videos because I plan to brush up on the culture again before I visit you there. I have been enriched by what I have learned, and I did indeed learn a lot. Thanks for all your hard work. I feel like you have given us recipients a gift. Love you both.

    1. Thank you Mom! I am so glad you liked the videos and found them helpful. I spent a long time making them and have heard back from many people. There are several others I am working on to be posted in the future. Love you! Sharon

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