4 thoughts on “100 Dawson City 01_tn”

  1. Robert Tankersley

    What an amazing journey! I wish I had the courage and faith to attempt a trip like this. You are missed at El Camino Hospital Sharon. Going in for injections is a real drag without seeing you as you always lifted my spirit. So glad to hear your migraines are lessening.
    God bless you both and be safe!

    1. Thank you so much for your prayers and encouragement! I am so happy to report about the improvement in my headaches – you always showed great concern for them in the past. The journey you are taking also takes courage and faith that I don’t think I have. Love you, Sharon

  2. Debbie and Rick Jones

    Love you guys , miss you Sharon at El Camino . Rick and I went for a fall colors trip last weekend and drove to the ancient Bristlecone pines forest. We remember you recommended that to us. Ricks still doing well staying in remission, side effects aren’t too bad. Sounds like Gods army is traveling with you.😇

    1. I am SO happy to hear that the two of you took some time together! It warms my heart even more than usual to hear that you went to visit the amazing bristlecone pines, what did you think??? So glad to hear about the continued remission and I will continue to pray for diminished side effects. We know beyond a shadow of doubt that your prayers (and those of many others) are aiding in our protection and safety on this journey. Miss you so much! Love, Sharon (with Chris)

Chime in with encouragement or questions! :)