Chris & Sharon’s History in Honduras

We hope this blog post finds you well. We wanted to let you know that we are making preparations to move back to Honduras this year (when Covid-19 permits) to renew our work as long-term missionaries. Sharon will be working as a Nurse Practitioner at the Jungle Hospital; this is the same place she helped open as a clinic in 2007. Chris will be working at Give Hope 2 Kids orphanage in an educational capacity. We look forward to you joining us on this next adventure! We know we will need prayer and financial support to make our ministry successful and hope you will consider partnering with us.

To help you understand why we are returning to the mountains of Honduras, we would like to share our story with you. Don’t worry; it’s the abbreviated version! đŸ™‚

Our paths to Honduras started out independently; long before we met. Sharon’s first trip to Honduras was in 1995 where she was exposed to the poverty and needs of the third world. She has returned almost every year since. Chris’s introduction to Honduras happened in 1999. He spent two months in Bible study and training and one month living in a remote village. Over the years we helped install clean water systems, spent time immersed in the culture, lived with the poor, and grew in our relationship with Jesus.

In 2003, we moved to Honduras and began working in ministry full-time. We married in 2005. Sharon worked at a prison providing medical care to inmates, was instrumental in the opening of two clinics in the rural river valley where we lived, and managed the student sponsorship program for Instituto El Rey (IER). Chris taught classes for six years at IER. He also helped develop a three-year curriculum for computer training. During this time we lived and studied with long term missionary Larry Smoak in the village of Las Mangas.

Sensing God’s leading, in 2009 we moved back to Melbourne, Florida so that Sharon could further her education, but with the intention of eventually returning to Honduras. Once in Florida, Chris got a job as a teacher and Sharon as an oncology (cancer) nurse, and in 2012 Sharon enrolled in a Master’s Program to become a Family Nurse Practitioner. Her sole objective, to be better equipped to meet the needs of her Honduran patients. She graduated in 2015!

That summer we moved to the Santa Cruz area of California in order to save money more quickly for our upcoming, epic motorcycle trip. We lived with our friends, Scott & Kat, and Chris worked as a caregiver for their son. Sharon found a dream job working as an oncology nurse where she formed life-long friendships with co-workers and patients. One of the hardest parts of moving to California was leaving our incredible church family at Melbourne Community Church. Fortunately, we found Christian Life Center (CLC) shortly after our arrival where we were warmly welcomed and felt right at home! Later we lived in a cozy little house remodeled by Dan and Melissa, who we became friends with as part of a CLC small group.

Soon after our arrival in California, Chris’s father was diagnosed with terminal cancer. Because of the close proximity and two very understanding bosses, Chris was able to spend a great deal of time with his father before he passed away. This time together was an amazing gift, and we felt it might have been the real reason we needed to be in California.

On June 4th 2018 we left the Santa Cruz area and began our motorcycle trip to all of the Americas! We had been dreaming and planning this trip for over 12 years. It has been an incredible adventure and we feel so fortunate that we have been blessed with this opportunity. The world is such a marvelous place and the people and cultures we experienced has impacted us in profound and lasting ways.

In March of 2020, as we drove north across the Patagonia of Argentina and with six weeks of planned travel remaining, we ran directly into the global game changer known as the Coronavirus. We were placed under strict quarantine by local authorities, and travel across the nation was shut down. Our initial hope was that the situation would improve in a couple of months. That was not to be. Unfortunately, having our motorcycles here greatly complicates returning to the United States, but we are working on it. That being said, the conditions of our stay here in Gobernador Gregores has been ideal in many ways; for which we are extremely grateful!

Our original plan was to return to Honduras and full time ministry around September of 2020. Although the pandemic has played havoc with that timetable; we are actively working on getting there. We will send another letter soon explaining our Honduras plans! Please consider supporting our ministry to the rural poor. Steps can be found here on our website: Honduras Support


Chris & Sharon

10 thoughts on “Chris & Sharon’s History in Honduras”

  1. That was nice to get the rest of your stories. So glad you are able to join us on our CLC Zoom activities while quarantined. It is a great deal for us and hopefully for you too.

    1. You know us June…we love to share! We are thankful the internet has been working well enough for us to be there in voice if not in video. We enjoy ANY social activity we can get these days :).

  2. So nice to see all the “dots connected”! Looking at your photos brings a tear to my eyes as I remember fondly the times when we could all reach out and touch our friends. A time which WILL return in time… đŸ™‚

    1. Guy! Your comment means so much to me! I have always wanted to share more of my story with you. Of course, you know me, I am looking with great longing to the time when we can touch each other freely again. It is coming; I just have to be patient. Please give my love to Mindy. Love, Sharon

  3. Sharon,
    I have seen many of your photos you have taken on your trip, what an amazing journey you two have been on. I am to have reconnected with you. Keep living your dreams and doing God’s work.

    1. I am so glad we reconnected too! Our trip has been amazing, so many beautiful sites and adventures. We know we are so blessed. Please stay in touch Judy. Love, Sharon

  4. Phyllis M Buchholz

    I feel like I went on an abbreviated version of your adventure-filled trip. It had to have been difficult to pare it down to a reasonable number of photos. So many aspects of God’s glory on display! I certainly enjoyed my four weeks with you. I pray God’s favor on both of you as you embark on His future plans for you. I love you both. Mom

    1. Thank you Mom! We are so glad you came down to meet and travel with us in Argentina! Thank you for your prayers. We appreciate them and see the results of them day by day. We love you too.

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