Trip Update

A Walk In The…Mountains

Happy New Year Everyone! Since this trek very likely would not have happened without them, the first thing we want to do is thank our great friends Scott and Kathryn (And Scott Joly) for highly recommending the Huayhuash Trek to us five years ago! I am not sure we would have been willing to spend …

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Strunas: Take A Hike!

We’ve been so busy seeing things lately we have not had time to post anything! Will try to fix that over the holiday season. From the town of Chacas in Peru we drove west, over a beautiful pass high in the Andes mountains, and then headed due south until we made a left and recrossed …

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The Amazing Andes

Cajamarca! (ka-ha-mar-kuh) The City of Enchantment…well, it’s not really advertised as such, but we did find it quite enchanting during our week long stay. As luck would have it, another festival was in full swing and we were able to enjoy several parades and dance performances. As a side note, Peru is famous for the …

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Unfortunate Update

Well, the good news…this update will be much shorter than usual. Sharon and I are doing fine, unfortunately, the same cannot be said about my (Chris’s) motorcycle.  We were driving south from Trujillo (in Peru) when my bike suddenly felt different.  We immediately pulled over to see if it was any of the usual suspects.  …

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Exotic Ecuador

When we arrived at the border entry for Ecuador we joined a large group of Venezuelans. Most had fled Venezuela to find jobs and a way to feed their families outside of Venezuela. We have been encountering small migrating bands of Venezuelans throughout Colombia walking along the highways and selling small items to those passing …

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Sailing and South America

       Our last stop in Panama was to visit the famous canal – and it didn’t disappoint! We prepared for the visit by reading David McCullough’s excellent book ‘The Path Between The Seas‘. The history of the building of this man-made wonder and its modern expansion are riveting :). Interesting fact: cheapest passage …

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Reunions, Rest, and Rain

It had been two years since our last visit to Honduras, so we were super excited to be reunited with our friends! Our first stop was a small town called Roma located east of La Ceiba. There we met Jason and Sarah Furrow and their three beautiful children (and Jason’s parents too). Jason and Sarah …

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Misadventures and Many Miles

From Mexico City we drove to the town of Cholula. This town is known for their cultural and religious celebrations and we timed our visit so we would be there during Palm Sunday. Additionally, Cholula has the largest pyramid in the world – on top of which is built a Catholic Church! Historians don’t think …

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